Published: July 29, 2022
Eco beauty

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For years, consumers have worried about the impact their beauty products have on the environment and about how safe those products really are for them to use. With so many questions and concerns, it’s no wonder that the eco beauty market has grown exponentially over the past decade.

However, making the switch from conventional products to eco beauty can seem overwhelming—especially when you consider that you probably don’t even know where to start. If you’re interested in using eco beauty products, here are some helpful tips that will help make your transition as easy as possible!


Fewer chemicals are one of many advantages of switching to eco beauty. The term green also encompasses all things environmentally friendly, sustainable, and nontoxic, so it’s no surprise that clean beauty products contain less harmful chemicals.

For example, conventional makeup often contains artificial coloring agents made from toxic ingredients like aluminum or lead, while natural cosmetics use much safer pigment alternatives like titanium dioxide and beetroot extract. Clean products also tend to be made with fewer synthetics—many big-name brands contain as many as 50 (or more!) different synthetic fragrance compounds.

Since synthetic fragrances are notorious for causing allergic reactions in some people, reducing your exposure to them is a smart move for overall skin health and wellness. There are plenty of other benefits to clean beauty, too: it can help reduce acne breakouts and irritation, minimize excess oil production on oily skin types and improve hydration levels for dry complexions.

Clean products may sound too good to be true, but they really are that good! They are not more expensive than conventional options, and you’ll likely have to order them online if you don’t live near a specialty store that carries them and/or find retailers that carry these products. Stay tuned for upcoming articles on this!

Organic ingredients


While companies have been making green beauty products for years, there is a greater awareness of ingredients like parabens and phthalates than ever before. The good news? Many companies are responding by creating non-toxic, safe alternatives and incorporating these new ingredients into their products. One nontoxic ingredient that’s made a big splash recently is black soap; it comes from East Africa and has been used for centuries as a skin cleanser.

Make sure you’re checking into all ingredients that are going on in your body, even if they aren’t called out as potentially harmful. In addition to scouring packaging and labels, there are a few helpful tools that will make it easier for you to transition into sustainable beauty.

The Environmental Working Group is a great place to start when you’re trying to learn more about what’s in your cosmetics (EWG’s Skin Deep database is especially helpful). You can also use its mobile app or download its free searchable database of products so you can look up products at any time. Additionally, some brands have started listing their ingredients online—so be sure to check these out when available as well.


A switch to eco beauty doesn’t mean you need to immediately ditch all of your makeup and skin care. Instead, think about what type of products you use most. For example, do you wear sunscreen daily? If so, look for an eco version that contains fewer chemicals or harmful ingredients than your traditional formula.

Do you wear mascara or eyeliner every day? If so, buy a natural alternative that is free of heavy metals like cadmium and lead. These changes may seem small, but by choosing green options for your everyday products, such as mascara and lotion, it’s easier to make big changes in your overall beauty routine.

Remember: A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step!



When you shop for beauty products, it can be tempting to just look at the price or a favorite brand—and there’s nothing wrong with that. But if you’re trying to make sustainable beauty choices, you’ll have a more meaningful impact by thinking about every step of your process: Where did your product come from? How will it be disposed of? Is it cruelty-free?

Those are all important questions that take time and energy to research. But by giving them attention before each purchase, you’ll put yourself in a good position for making better environmental decisions.

It’s worth mentioning that many companies already do a lot of work to ensure their ingredients are sourced sustainably, so if you’re going to pick one company as your go-to eco-beauty retailer, they might be an excellent choice.


If you’re trying to transition from conventional products into natural ones, switching everything at once can be daunting. Focus on one aspect of your life (or makeup routine) at a time. It might seem easier said than done, but many newbie green beauty enthusiasts have found that breaking it down into bite-sized pieces was both manageable and less overwhelming. For example, if you’re ready to ditch conventional makeup for a nontoxic alternative, start by nixing eye shadow and mascara first. Work your way up from there as you become more confident in your clean beauty knowledge and switch out more products—like foundation and face wash—until you’ve transitioned entirely.

While all of these products are good alternatives, focus on products you use every day. For example, if you normally use conventional toothpaste in a tube, switch to a natural brand (just remember that it’s not non-toxic if it contains mint). When you make small changes each day instead of doing everything at once, it will be easier for you to stick with your new routine and reduce your exposure to harmful chemicals. If you can’t afford to replace all of your beauty products at once, start by replacing just one item at a time.


If you’re already convinced that green beauty is better for your body and good for planet Earth, then there’s no need to spend time educating yourself on why it’s important. But if you don’t feel strongly about being eco beauty and want to know more about it, check out sites like Green America or Grist. These sites have a ton of information and tips on how to make a switch.

One thing you may not realize: It can be really simple! A lot of ingredients are nontoxic by nature (e.g., coconut oil) or can easily be made nontoxic (like baking soda). There are also tons of ways consumers can help big companies scale their products while helping keep our planet healthy.

Save money


Though it’s not always easy, investing in eco beauty products that are free of chemicals and toxins can actually save you money over time. Natural products tend to be gentler on your skin, more effective, and longer-lasting. So while they may seem like they cost a little more than products at your local drugstore, they last longer and ultimately end up saving you money in reduced product usage. Also, keep an eye out for green sales or coupons from natural brands—these companies often run specials that make green beauty goods even more affordable.

And don’t forget about seasonal and/ or holiday shopping! Not only will these items be less expensive, but many of them will also come with a full supply of products so you won’t have to shell out any extra cash just yet. With just a little bit of research and planning ahead, switching to clean beauty is both convenient and budget-friendly!


Making a switch to eco beauty products can seem tough. It might mean ditching your favorite brand, reaching for different brands of products that you’ve never tried before, and losing touch with products that were once familiar. What’s more, it might take some time before you find a great eco beauty product because many factors go into making a good product great (product variety is only one of them).

The first few months or even years of using new green products can be challenging. But it doesn’t have to be an onerous task; after all, by buying organic and nontoxic beauty products, you’re making responsible decisions for your health as well as for our planet.

Please let me know, in the comments section below if you have made the switch to eco beauty products!

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