Published: May 17, 2024
ways to reduce food waste at home

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Food waste is a big problem in the United States. According to the EPA, about 40 percent of the food in the country is wasted. That’s about $162 billion worth of food every year!

“According to scientific research, approximately one-third of the food produced in the U.S. is never eaten.

When food is produced but unnecessarily wasted, all the resources used to grow the food – water, energy, fertilizers – and the resources used to transport it from farms to our tables, are wasted as well.

Most of the resource inputs and environmental impacts of food waste occur during production, processing, and delivery to our kitchens.

When food is deposited in a landfill and decomposes, the byproducts of that decomposition process are methane and carbon dioxide. Methane is a potent greenhouse gas that traps heat and contributes to climate change.”

There are many creative ways to reduce food waste at home and save money each day. Some of these methods are more obvious than others, but they can all add up to big savings in the long run. We will discuss 21 simple ways to reduce food waste at home.

Key Takeaways:

  • Ways to Reduce Food Waste at Home: Plan meals and store food properly to minimize waste.
  • Benefits of Reducing Food Waste: Save money, protect the environment, and support community needs.
  • Creative Ways to Reduce Food Waste: Transform leftovers, use food scraps creatively, and preserve excess food.
  • How to Reduce Kitchen Waste: Compost organic waste and use reusable containers to minimize packaging waste.

21 Simple Ways To Reduce Food Waste At Home

Cook with what you have on hand

1. Cook what you have on hand

One of the best ways to reduce food waste at home is to cook what you have on hand. This means that you need to be organized in your cooking and have a plan for using all of the ingredients you have. It also means that you need to be creative and come up with recipes that use common ingredients in different ways.

For example, if you have some leftover chicken, you can make a chicken salad for lunch the next day. If you have some eggs, you can make an egg salad for lunch. If you have some bread, you can make a sandwich. You can also make a stir-fry with some leftover vegetables. Or, you can make soup or stew with some leftover meat and vegetables.

The key is to find creative ways of reducing food waste and think of different options to use the ingredients you have. By cooking what you have on hand, you can save money on food and eat healthier meals.

2. Don’t overbuy food

If you’re trying find ways to reduce food waste at home, one of the best things you can do is not overbuy food. Buying in bulk can be a great way to save money, but only if you actually use all of the food you buy. If you end up throwing away food because you can’t eat it all before it goes bad, you’re losing money. Try to be realistic about how much food you’ll realistically eat and only buy what you need.

3. Plan your meals

Planning your meals is a great way to make sure you have healthy and affordable options available. Not only will you save money by not eating out, but you’ll also have more control over the nutritional content of your food.

Start by making a list of all the meals and snacks you would like to have during the week. Be sure to include both regular meals and leftovers. Once you have your list, start brainstorming recipes that fit your needs.

If you’re short on time, consider quick and easy recipes like crockpot meals or one-pot dishes. If you’re looking for something a little more adventurous, try browsing online for new ideas. You can also find a variety of meal plans and cookbooks in your local library or online.

Once you have a few recipes in mind, create a grocery list that includes everything you’ll need for the week. This will help you stay on track and avoid overspending and is one of the benefits of reducing food waste. With a little planning, you can have a week’s worth of healthy and affordable meals ready to go.

Store food properly

4. Store food properly

There are a few things you can do to store your food properly and help keep it fresh. First, make sure to keep your food in a cool, dry place. This means not storing it in the garage or the pantry next to the oven. Secondly, if you’re not going to eat something right away, put it in the fridge or freezer. Lastly, when you do put food in the fridge or freezer, make sure to date it so you know how long it’s been there.

5. Use leftovers

There’s nothing quite like the satisfaction of cooking a meal from scratch. But even the best cooks sometimes find themselves with leftovers. Why not put them to good use?

There are plenty of ways to turn leftovers into a new dish. You can mix them with fresh ingredients to create a new dish or use them as the basis for a new dish. You can also use them to make a quick and easy meal.

If you’re not sure what to do with your leftovers, here are a few ideas:

-Mix them with fresh ingredients to create a new dish. For example, leftover cooked chicken can be mixed with fresh veggies and made into a chicken salad.

-Use them as the basis for a new dish. For example, cooked rice can be made into a fried rice dish.

-Use them to make a quick and easy meal. For example, cooked pasta can be mixed with a jar of pasta sauce for a quick and easy dinner.

No matter what you do with them, leftovers are a great way to make the most of your cooking.

6. Freeze food

There are many ways to freeze food, and each has its benefits and drawbacks. The best way to freeze food depends on what you plan to freeze and how you plan to use it. One popular way to freeze food is to use a freezer bag. This is a great way to freeze liquids and smaller items. Freezer bags can be sealed tightly, so they prevent freezer burn and keep food fresh.

Another popular way to freeze food is to use a freezer container. This is a great way to freeze larger items, such as a whole chicken. Freezer containers can be sealed tightly and are less likely to cause freezer burn.

Regardless of how you freeze your food, make sure to label it with the date it was frozen. This will help you keep track of how long the food has been in the freezer and when it should be eaten which leads to one of the other ways to reduce food waste at home.

Compost food

7. Compost food

Composting food is a great way to reduce your environmental impact, waste less in the kitchen and create nutrient-rich soil for your garden. Not only does composting food divert waste from landfills, but it also helps to sequester carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

There are many different ways to compost food, but the most common method is to create a pile or bin of organic matter and let it break down over time. The composting process will release heat, so it’s important to make sure your pile is in a sunny spot and has good airflow.

You can add a variety of food scraps to your compost pile, including fruits, vegetables, grains, coffee grounds, and eggshells. Be sure to avoid adding dairy products, meat, or oils to your compost pile, as they can create unpleasant smells and attract pests.

Once your compost pile is established, it will take a few months to break down. In the meantime, you can use compost to fertilize your garden plants. Compost is an excellent source of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, and it can help improve soil structure and water retention.

8. Reduce packaging

To reduce packaging, we need to find ways to package our products more efficiently. This may include using less packaging material or finding alternative, more sustainable packaging materials. It is also important to recycle and reuse packaging materials whenever possible. By reducing our packaging, we can help conserve natural resources and reduce our environmental impact, and that is how to reduce kitchen waste.

9. Shop wisely

There are a lot of things to think about when shopping. You need to find the right store, figure out what you need, and budget your money. It’s important to be smart when shopping so you can get the best deals and save money.

One way to save money is to shop online. Online stores offer discounts, sales and cash backs  all the time. You can also find coupon codes to get even more discounts. Whatever way you choose to shop, be sure to do your research first.

Find out what the best deals are and what the store’s return policy is. That way, you can be sure to get the best deals and not have to worry about getting stuck with something you don’t want.

Cook efficiently

10. Cook efficiently

To cook efficiently, you need to have the right tools and ingredients. Make sure you have everything you need before you start cooking. This will help prevent mistakes and save time, and one of the ways to reduce food waste at home. When cooking, try to organize your ingredients and tools efficiently. This will make it easier to find what you need and reduce the chances of making a mistake.

If you are cooking a dish that requires multiple steps, try to do them all at once. This will save time and make the cooking process easier. When you are finished cooking, clean up your kitchen. This will make it easier to cook the next time you are in the kitchen.

11. Be mindful of portion sizes

It’s easy to overeat when you’re not paying attention to your portion sizes. By mindfully controlling your portion sizes, you can keep your calorie intake in check and avoid overeating.

When you’re eating out, ask for a to-go box when you order so you can pack up the leftovers. This way, you can avoid overeating by eating the leftovers later.

At home, use smaller plates and utensils to help control your portion sizes. This will help you to not overeat without even realizing it. Being mindful of your portion sizes is a great way to avoid overeating and maintain a healthy weight. By controlling your portion sizes, you can keep your calorie intake in check and avoid gaining weight.

12. Avoid wastefulness

It is said that the three most important virtues are: wisdom, courage, and moderation. In our day-to-day lives, we should try to practice all of these virtues. Wisdom tells us to not waste our time or resources. Courage tells us to stand up for what we believe in, and moderation tells us to not go overboard. 

We should all make a conscious effort to avoid being less wasteful in the kitchen. One easy way to avoid wastefulness is to think before we act. Before we make a purchase, we should ask ourselves if we really need it. If the answer is no, then we probably shouldn’t buy it.

Another way to avoid wastefulness is to recycle and reuse items whenever possible. There are many ways to recycle and reuse items, so there’s no excuse not to do it.

Finally, we can also avoid waste by composting our organic waste. Composting is a great way to recycle organic material and it’s also a great way to improve our soil. There are many different ways to compost, so there’s no excuse not to do it.

By following these simple tips, we can all avoid being wasteful and help make the world a little bit greener.

13. Educate yourself about how to reduce kitchen waste

There are a lot of reasons for this. Restaurants and grocery stores often throw away food that’s past its expiration date, or they might not sell all of the food they ordered. Consumers also contribute to the problem by throwing away food that they don’t need or can’t use. The good news is that there are a lot of creative ways to reduce food waste.

Here are a few helpful tips:

• Check the expiration date before you buy food, and only buy what you’re going to use

• Plan your meals, and make sure you use everything you buy

• Donate food that’s past its expiration date to a food bank or shelter

• Compost food scraps instead of throwing them away

• Get involved in your community’s food waste reduction campaign

Get your family involved in helping waste less in the kitchen

14. Get your family involved

There are many benefits to getting your family involved in your effort to find ways to reduce food waste at home. First, you have someone to support you and cheer you on. Second, you can all work together to create healthy meals and snacks. Third, you can all exercise together. And fourth, you can hold each other accountable. If you have family members who are also trying to lose weight, it can be a great source of motivation for you.

15. Support local farms

There are many reasons to support local farms. One reason is that when you buy from a local farm, you are helping to keep your community sustainable. Local farms often use sustainable farming practices, which means that they use fewer resources and produce less waste in the kitchen. Buying from local farms also helps to keep money in your community, and it supports the local economy.

When you buy local produce, you also get the freshest food possible. Local farms typically don’t ship their produce long distances, so it hasn’t been sitting in a truck or a warehouse for weeks. And because local produce is in season, you know that it is fresh.

Finally, buying local produce is good for the environment. It takes less energy to transport food a short distance than it does to transport the food across the country. And when you buy locally, you are lowering your carbon footprint which is one of the benefits of reducing food waste.

Shop at farmers markets

16. Shop at farmer’s markets

Farmer’s markets are a great way to buy fresh, local produce. You can find a variety of fruits and vegetables, as well as meat, eggs, and cheese. The prices are often cheaper than at grocery stores, and the produce is usually fresher. So, it is one of the great ways to reduce food waste at home.

17. Join a food co-op

Joining a food co-op is a great way to get affordable, fresh, and local food. Co-ops are member-owned and operated businesses, so you’ll become a part of a community of people who share your values. Plus, co-ops typically have lower prices than grocery stores, thanks to their bulk purchasing power.

18. Try a CSA

If you’re looking for a new way to get your veggies, consider joining a CSA. CSAs, or community-supported agriculture programs, are partnerships between local farmers and consumers. Members of a CSA pay a membership fee at the beginning of the season, which helps the farmer cover costs like seed and equipment. In return, they receive a weekly box of produce straight from the farm.

CSAs can be a great way to get to know your local farmers and learn about how their food is grown. They’re also a great way to get a variety of fresh produce since different farms offer different items in their boxes. If you’re not sure if a CSA is for you, ask around your community or check out online resources like LocalHarvest.org.

19. Eat seasonally

Eating seasonally is a great way to enjoy the fresh flavors of each season, while also getting the nutrients your body needs and helps you waste less in the kitchen. Seasonal fruits and vegetables are typically cheaper and more plentiful than those that are out of season.

20. Donate food

Food banks and food pantries are always looking for donations from the community. Non-perishable food items such as canned goods and boxed food are the most common donations. However, many food banks also accept perishable food items such as fruits and vegetables.

Donating food is a great way to help those in need in your community. It is also one of the great ways to reduce food waste at home by get rid of food that you no longer need or want. Plus, you may be able to deduct the value of the food you donate from your taxes.

If you are interested in donating food to your local food bank or pantry, contact them to find out what items they need most. You can also find a list of food banks and pantries in your area by visiting Feeding America.

Advocate for change

21. Advocate for change

When something isn’t right in the world, it’s up to us to advocate for change. Whether it’s a problem we see in our community or a larger issue that needs to be addressed on a global scale, we can’t just sit back and hope that someone else will take care of it. We need to be the change we want to see in the world.

There are countless ways to get involved in advocating for change. You can donate your time or money to causes you believe in, write letters to your local representatives, or join protests and rallies. You can also use your voice to spread awareness on social media or in other online forums.

No matter what you do, it’s important to stay informed about the issues that matter to you and to speak up about them. It can be challenging to stand up for what you believe in, but it’s worth it knowing that you’re making a difference.

Benefits of Reducing Food Waste

Financial Savings

One of the primary benefits of reducing food waste is saving money. By implementing ways to reduce food waste at home, such as meal planning and proper storage, households can significantly cut down on grocery bills. Less waste means more efficient use of purchased food.

 Environmental Impact

One of the benefits of reducing food waste helps protect the environment. When less food ends up in landfills, the production of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, is reduced. Additionally, decreasing food waste conserves natural resources like water, energy, and soil, which are used in food production.

Community Support

One of the other benefits of reducing food waste is the ability to support those in need. Excess food can be donated to local food banks and shelters, helping to alleviate hunger in the community. This not only aids individuals but also strengthens community bonds.

Resource Conservation

Reducing food waste conserves vital resources. Producing food involves significant water, energy, and labor. By finding creative ways to reduce food waste and minimizing how much food is discarded, we ensure these resources are used more efficiently and sustainably.

Personal Satisfaction

There is a personal sense of fulfillment that comes from knowing how to reduce kitchen waste effectively. By adopting mindful habits and seeing the tangible results of less food waste, individuals can feel proud of their contributions to both their household savings and the broader effort to protect the environment.

FAQ How To Reduce Food Waste

Frequently Asked Questions: Ways To Reduce Food Waste at Home

1. What are some effective ways to reduce food waste at home?

 Effective ways to reduce food waste at home include planning meals, storing food properly, following the “First In, First Out” method, and being mindful of portion sizes.

2. What are the benefits of reducing food waste?

   The benefits of reducing food waste include saving money on groceries, reducing environmental impact by lowering greenhouse gas emissions, and helping those in need by donating excess food.

3. Can you suggest creative ways to reduce food waste?

   Creative ways to reduce food waste involve transforming leftovers into new dishes, using food scraps for broths or compost, and preserving food through canning, pickling, and freezing.

4. How can I reduce kitchen waste at home effectively?

   One of the ways to reduce kitchen waste effectively, set up a compost bin for organic waste, use reusable containers instead of disposable ones, and avoid buying in excess by sticking to a shopping list.

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Final Thoughts: 21 Simple Ways To Reduce Food Waste At Home

There are many ways to waste to reduce food waste and save money in the process. One of the best ways is to be mindful of the food that you are purchasing and the food that you are cooking. When you are mindful, you are more likely to make intentional decisions about the food that you are buying and the food that you are preparing. 

By making small changes, as mentioned above you can easily slash your spending without making much of a sacrifice. We have discussed 21 simple ways to reduce food waste at home. Try one or a few items from this list, see what works for you and reap the benefits!

What are your favorite ways to reduce food waste at home? Please let me know in the comments below.


1. EPA, Environmental Protection Agency, https://www.epa.gov/land-research/food-waste-research.

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One Response

  1. This is a useful and practical list of SIMPLE WAYS TO REDUCE FOOD WASTE AT HOME. The author lists some of the easiest ways such as don’t over buy your groceries and eat your left overs. Thank you!

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